Birds of Prey: Fighters by Trade

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Bol When Huntress goes AWOL and a techno-virus invades Oracle's body, Canary will have to team up with Wildcat as they fight for their lives in Singapore... These Birds will have to work with members of the Bat-Family while battling legendary assassins and fighting off attacks from inside themselves! Collects Birds of Prey #81-91.

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When Huntress goes AWOL and a techno-virus invades Oracle's body, Canary will have to team up with Wildcat as they fight for their lives in Singapore... These Birds will have to work with members of the Bat-Family while battling legendary assassins and fighting off attacks from inside themselves! Collects Birds of Prey #81-91.


Pagina's: 272, Editie: Eerste editie, Paperback, Dc Comics

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Merk DC Comics
  • 9781779508027

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