Dark Nights Metal Omnibus

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Bol Batman has uncovered one of the lost mysteries of the universe...one that could destroy the very fabric of the DC Universe! He'll wage war against diabolical Dark Knights across the multiverse and come face-to-face with The Batman Who Laughs. These are the dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! The Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it contains are coming for the DC Universe! Can Batman and his allies save the Multiverse from total darkness? This epic omnibus contains the entire Dark Nights: Metal saga.

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Batman has uncovered one of the lost mysteries of the universe...one that could destroy the very fabric of the DC Universe! He'll wage war against diabolical Dark Knights across the multiverse and come face-to-face with The Batman Who Laughs. These are the dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! The Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it contains are coming for the DC Universe! Can Batman and his allies save the Multiverse from total darkness? This epic omnibus contains the entire Dark Nights: Metal saga.


Pagina's: 744, Editie: Eerste editie, Hardcover, Dc Comics

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Merk DC Comics
  • 9781779517036

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