Live At Madison Square Garden

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Bol Eddie Izzard is one of only four comedians to ever play Madison Square Garden and she is the only one from England. This live sold out show was the final stop on her "Stripped" tour of 2010. In Eddie's own words, the show is "about everything that has ever happened... with a few gaps" as she runs through social commentary, witty observations and quite a few "off the subject" tangents. From God & politics to history and even ancient Latin, Eddie s genius shines in this tour de force.

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Eddie Izzard is one of only four comedians to ever play Madison Square Garden and she is the only one from England. This live sold out show was the final stop on her "Stripped" tour of 2010. In Eddie's own words, the show is "about everything that has ever happened... with a few gaps" as she runs through social commentary, witty observations and quite a few "off the subject" tangents. From God & politics to history and even ancient Latin, Eddie s genius shines in this tour de force.

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Merk Universal Music Nederland
  • 9781643235578
  • 0602527246918
  • 0886970814423
  • 0045778720194

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