Superman Son of Kal el 2: The Rising

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Bol With Clark Kent off-world battling in the universe, Jonathan Kent has stepped into the role of Superman to defend planet earth. Despite Jonathan facing the most devastating physical attack of his life, he's ready for change. Along with his new ally Jay Nakamura, Jonathan will continue to stand against the dictator of Gamorra, Henry Bendix, who's taken Jay's mother captive. Along the way, Superman will team up with Jackson Hyde/Aqualand to face a creature from the depths of the sea unleashed by Lex Luthor. With every adventure, Jonathan will define what it means to be The Man of Steel.

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With Clark Kent off-world battling in the universe, Jonathan Kent has stepped into the role of Superman to defend planet earth. Despite Jonathan facing the most devastating physical attack of his life, he's ready for change. Along with his new ally Jay Nakamura, Jonathan will continue to stand against the dictator of Gamorra, Henry Bendix, who's taken Jay's mother captive. Along the way, Superman will team up with Jackson Hyde/Aqualand to face a creature from the depths of the sea unleashed by Lex Luthor. With every adventure, Jonathan will define what it means to be The Man of Steel.


Pagina's: 168, Editie: Eerste editie, Hardcover, Dc Comics

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Merk DC Comics
  • 9781779517388

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