The New Teen Titans 7

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Bol They were Earth's teenage defenders--unbeatable and unstoppable. Riding high, they took an eighth member--a young girl--into their ranks. And she would be their downfall. This new collection of THE NEW TEEN TITANS #39 and #40, TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS #41-44 and ANNUAL #3 features The Judas Contract ! From the retirement of Robin and Kid Flash, to the birth of Nightwing and the introduction of Jericho, to the ultimate betrayal of a Titan-- The Judas Contract kept readers positively riveted during its initial run and still has fans talking today.

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They were Earth's teenage defenders--unbeatable and unstoppable. Riding high, they took an eighth member--a young girl--into their ranks. And she would be their downfall. This new collection of THE NEW TEEN TITANS #39 and #40, TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS #41-44 and ANNUAL #3 features The Judas Contract ! From the retirement of Robin and Kid Flash, to the birth of Nightwing and the introduction of Jericho, to the ultimate betrayal of a Titan-- The Judas Contract kept readers positively riveted during its initial run and still has fans talking today.


Pagina's: 220, Editie: Eerste editie, Paperback, Dc Comics

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Merk DC Comics
  • 9781401271626

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